JPanorama is a software that enables the experience of a virtual reality by turning spaces like department stores and museums 360 degrees, using 360 degrees full panoramic pictures.

    If you click on the item or exhibit you want during cyber shopping and cyber viewing, you will be provided with detailed dynamic information using July Products(JSlide, JMotion). It can be applied to EC, digital libraries, digital museums, cyber exposition and publication of a new item. In terms of function, it is supported with Zoom In & Out and Move devices, and the new version with voice & text synchronization will be released shortly.

    Target Users

    • Product manufacturers
    • EC merchants and Web Shopping mall operators
    • EC service providers
    • The ones who are establishing EC Web shopping malls

    Main Features

    • Real time zoom in & out
    • Free movement of object
    • Real time media mixing and selection (Image + Text + Audio)
    • Logical media Synchronization
    • Pure Java applet

    Developing Environments

    • Internet Explorer 4.0 or later version
    • Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later version
    • Web browsers supporting JDK 1.1 or later version
    • PC supporting audio is optional